Last Thursday was World Book Day and we celebrated reading with inspiring sessions run by authors Sarah Juckes and Nick Toczek and other fun activities!
In Sarah’s workshops, students tried their hand at creating their own night creatures (inspired by Sarah’s book The Night Animals), wrote short stories about their fears (based on Sarah’s book The World Between Us) and listened to an assembly based around The Hunt for the Nightingale.

Nick Toczek’s workshops and assemblies were a whirlwind of rhyming, puppets, card tricks and lots of silly jokes!
Both authors had a book signing as well, where students could ask the authors anything about their books, what it’s like to be an author, and even how publishing works. Students and staff dressed up as book characters, and there were many inspiring, creative outfits put together from items found at home.
Our enthusiastic school parent association, Friends of BISS, provided students with bookmarks, and there was a crafting competition to create a book character out of a toilet paper roll. Altorp children participated in DEAR (Drop Everything and Read!) and spent some time delving into books with their reading buddies from a different year group. It was a week full of literary adventures, and we can’t wait to see what next year brings!