Friends of BISS
Nurturing the active and caring BISS community

BISS has a vibrant and active parent community. Parents can choose to get involved as volunteers through the Friends of BISS (FoB) and be part of the various groups that organise our annual events, either on the Executive Committee or just for individual events. Parental involvement in the FoB is highly valued and encouraged. Not only is volunteering for the FoB a great way to get to know other families, it also gives you the opportunity to play an active role in your child’s school life.
There are plenty of opportunities for getting involved. Recurring FoB activities include a welcome BBQ, coffee mornings, Halloween, Christmas and Easter festivities for the students, parents’ nights out, an international day, book and bake sales, to name just a few. The FoB also has a network of class representatives who serve as the communication link between parents and teachers. The FoB uses a platform (available both as app and website) called Classlist for all its communication, make sure you get an account and activate it to keep up with what’s going on! You can also contact the FoB directly via
Parent governors also play an invaluable role on The BISS Board of Governors. The BISS Board of Governors is a voluntary body made up of both staff and parent volunteers. Find out more on its role and our current governing body here.