Last week, our Year 8 students and 7 staff members embarked on their annual ski trip, this year to the idyllic village and ski resort of Lofsdalen. Traveling in style in a private coach with a halfway pit stop for a delectable lunch, our BISS travelers arrived to their resort on Monday afternoon, with ski rentals already lined up and hung in lockers ready for the next morning. Beginner, intermediate and expert skiers all participated in three hours each day of ski lessons, with the other half of their days dedicated to skiing in groups and with our staff. Of course, skiing wasn’t the only fun to be had! Evening activities included bowling, padel, night skiing and even a fashion and talent show, to much applause!

Our residential trips are a fantastic opportunity for our students in a number of ways, from gaining team-building skills to individual competences, strengthening resilience to increasing independence, from social bonding outside the normal school environment to getting to know their teachers outside of the classroom. It is our aim and hope that as a result, our children return home with a newfound sense of inner belief and confidence, while also having learned new skills or information and having thoroughly enjoyed themselves with their peers in an exciting new place away from home.