It was so good to see Music Day fully revived in its original format! Covid took its toll and we have been unable to put on such a full-on event since January 2020.
This week, Music Day was back in all its glory. From start to finish the students were mesmerized. The array of talent and music genres on offer was incredible and I was so very proud of both our students, who auditioned and were able to perform, as well as how the students conducted themselves as an audience and how they interacted with our guest artists.
The morning concert offered 90 minutes of BISS musical talent. The bold performers played their best for an audience of over 200 students and teachers, and the audience got to enjoy a variety of musical styles, from classical, to pop, to Japanese punk and more. Instruments included piano, violin, cello, saxophone, ukulele, guitar and voice.
The students were so supportive of each other, with each act receiving a loud round of applause at the end. I had the feeling that the staff and students were proud of the fact they attend a school where there is such a wide range of prodigious talent.
After the break, we got to enjoy the premier outing of a student band comprised of Zen Buckley, son of Kevin Buckley, the head of science, and two of his musical friends from outside BISS. Together, their rock band is Red Sea Dawning. The students were amazed by how professional-sounding they were. It felt like a proper rock band was in school. The energy and togetherness of the band made them seem older than their years and mark my words, this is a band to look out for in the future. They got the crowd jumping, literally!
After lunch, we were treated to two completely contrasting acts. Get Up Soul Choir is a professional choir working with the likes of Zara Larsson, Benjamin Ingrosso, Danny Suacedo, and Carolla, to name but a few. Their voices are absolutely incredible. The harmonies and pitch perfection were balm to the ears and they were able to give some of the students opportunities to try harmonizing and to enjoy how they can turn songs into amazing 4-part harmonies. Along with the piano player, who effortlessly twinkled over the ivories, the students were able to hear up close and personal, how beautiful, trained voices can sound together when perfectly mixed.
Whilst Get Up Soul Choir performed in the drama room, the secondary children reveled in a surprise treat in the form of the Grammy award-winning music producer, Remi Hassen, known to his many fans as Straynané.
Through Peter Thompson, our PE teacher, we were able to snare this incredible talent. It was all very last minute but Straynané did not let us down and came prepared with a state-of-the-art Apple Mac laptop and logic pro software in tow, to demonstrate and talk to the children about his journey into the music industry, as well as share some of his incredible talents as to how he puts together a hit song. The students, sitting with mouths open at the spectacle of having such a well-known Swedish music producer less than a few metres in front of them, were hanging onto his every word. He was very generous with his time and answered loads of questions, also signing autographs and having his photo taken with the students.
It was such a varied day from start to finish. I believe all the students, as well as the teachers, will be talking about Music Day 2024 for a long time to come. There was such vibrant energy and positive support for all that took place, I was very pleased with how the day unfolded and how Music at BISS was given a chance to be front and centre, in order to enhance the children’s holistic school experience!
Safra Blair