A BISS Family’s Heartfelt Thank-You

Words of gratitude from our school community are the gift we receive as hard evidence that our staff is succeeding in providing the highest quality of education to our students. Here we share a letter of thanks from one of our Altorp (primary school) families:

Dear wonderful Altorp Staff,

After nine years, our children’s time in Altorp is coming to an end, and we cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are for you constant care and dedication. With you, our children have learned so many fundamentals besides academics.

Here are a few :

  • Be kind, be respectful
  • Breathe
  • Don’t bite your friend, even if he gets up your nerves
  • Don’t give up
  • Wash your hands
  • Try again
  • Hugs are actually good for your brains
  • Try your best to be on time
  • Books hide wonderful worlds
  • You’re never too small to teach something to your parents
  • Who knew drawing insects could end up so beautiful?
  • A mistake is only there to point you in another, better direction
  • Road safety matters and is the matter of all
  • Give a chance to this funny looking vegetable
  • Your victory points are yours, but they also benefit the team : you are part of something bigger
  • Say good morning
  • Pick up your litter, recycle
  • There is no such thing as a silly question
  • Never underestimate rain pants
  • Make good choices for yourself and others
  • Marshmallows grilled over the firepit are an excellent choice
  • If you say hi and smile, a stranger might quickly turn into a new friend.
  • And so, so much more…

All of you made a profound impact in shaping their fundamental years, and in supporting us as developing parents.

You showed them, and us, how much fun it is to be a lifelong learner.

It means the world.

Thank you.

Wishing you the best of summers,

Marianne and Chris